Welcome to our new video series, Community Beat. Follow us as we interview people and businesses to learn more about Lake Champlain and Northwestern Vermont. Through this series, we hope to gain insight into the local community and what makes our area so unique.
In our premiere video, we sit down with the co-owner and founder of Hero’s Welcome General Store, Bob Camp, to learn more about this small business. This century-old general store and marina is located on North Hero Island on Lake Champlain. The summer months are bustling with activity from boaters docking for gas and patrons lining up for one of their delicious sandwiches made on a homemade roll. You can find a gift for anyone in their extensive gift shop that spans two floors. To learn more about Hero's Welcome visit their website.
Interview Highlights:
Full-Length Interview:
Photo Sources: Hero's Welcome General Store website photo gallery and Facebook Business Page.