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 5 Organizations to Donate to in Grand Isle County

 Toys for Kids of Vermont


1. Toys for Kids

Toys for Kids is a volunteer program sponsored by Vermont Marine Corps League. They collect toys for kids in need and have numerous drop off locations right in Grand Isle County. Some of these locations include our Coldwell Banker Islands Realty office, Keeler Bay Variety, Emmons Supermarket, Hero’s Welcome, Harborside Market, and the Isle La Motte Town Office. You can also donate through a virtual toy barrel and order items to be shipped to JeriHill Hardware. Donate here

Image source: Toys for Kids


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2.  Voices Against Violence - Laurie’s House

Voices Against Violence serves Franklin and Grand Isle County and as many of us know domestic violence is on the rise due to the pandemic. This organization would greatly appreciate any help to continue their work educating and providing safe housing for members of our community. They are currently looking for items such as disposable razors, cleaning supplies, baby monitors and many more itemsDonate here

Image source: Voices Against Violence



3. South Hero Land Trust

Join South Hero Land Trust in their Grow for a Neighbor campaign! You can volunteer as a gardener or donate to buy seedlings. The produce yielded will be donated to a local food shelf and the seedlings are bought from local farms and will be used for the volunteer gardeners and to create potted plant packets for families at risk. Donate here.

Image source: South Hero Land Trust

4. C.I.D.E.R.

Champlain Islanders Developing Essential Resources provide services with older sults and persons with disabilities. Their Neighborhood Meals program delivers an average of 650 meals a month to around 45-50 recipients. They bring "home-cooked" meals to residents of Grand Isle County with a team of volunteers. They would greatly appreciate any involvement whether it is volunteering or donating! Donate here

Image Source: Annie Gardiner 

5. Donate to a Local Food Pantry 

Food pantries accept dry and canned food donations, so nonperishable items that might be in your pantry. They often are looking for goods such as peanut butter, canned soup, whole grain pasta, and canned beans. Grand Isle County has a number of food pantries; such as the Saint Joseph’s Church in Grand Isle and the United Methodist Church of North Hero. For more information call them today at 802-372-4092 or (802) 372-6638.

Image Source: United Methodist Church

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