See the most recent market statistics for Grand Isle, Chittenden and Franklin County from January through April. For a more detailed look into your specific neighborhood please call our office.
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In Grand Isle County the Average Sale Price has decreased by 18.46% to $252,572 while the Percentage of Original Price Received has increased by 7.98%. Days on the Market has decreased significantly decreased by 45.25% from 274 days to 150 days.
In Franklin County the Average Sale Price has increased 10.39% to $218,559 with little change in the Percentage of Original Price Received. Days on the Market has decreased by 25% from 136 days to 102 days.
In Chittenden County the Average Sale Price has increased 9.82% to $344,235 with a slight increase in Percentage of Price Received. Days on the Market has decreased by 6.49% from 77 days to 72 days.